These monarchies therefore now and in the past are of the nature of tyrannies
because they are autocratic, but of the nature of kingships because they are
elective and rule over willing subjects. A fourth class of royal monarchy consists of the
hereditary legal kingships over willing subjects in the heroic period. For
because the first of the line had been benefactors of the multitude in the arts
or in war, or through having drawn them together or provided them with land,
these kings used to come to the throne with the consent of the subjects and hand
it on to their successors by lineal descent. And they had supreme command in war
and control over all sacrifices that were not in the hands of the priestly
class, and in addition to these functions they were judges in law-suits; some
gave judgement not on oath and some on oath—the oath was taken by
holding up the sceptre.1
These kings then of ancient times
used to govern continuously in matters within the city and in the country and
across the frontiers; but later on when gradually the kings relinquished some of
their powers and had others taken from them by the multitudes, in the cities in
general only the sacrifices were left to the kings,2 while where anything that deserves the name
of royalty survived the kings only had the command in military expeditions
across the frontiers.
There are
then these kinds of kingship, four in number: one belonging to the heroic times,
which was exercised over willing subjects, but in certain limited fields, for
the king was general and judge and master of religious ceremonies; second, the
barbarian monarchy, which is an hereditary despotism governing in conformity
with law; third, the rule of the functionary called an aesymnetes,
which is an elective tyranny; and fourth among these is the Spartan kingship,
which may be described simply as an hereditary generalship held for life. These
kingships then differ from one another in this manner. But a fifth kind of kingship is when a single ruler
is sovereign over all matters in the way in which each race and each city is
sovereign over its common affairs; this monarchy ranges with the rule of a
master over a household, for just as the master's rule is a sort of monarchy in
the home, so absolute monarchy is domestic mastership over a city, or over a
race or several races.There are therefore, we may
say, virtually two kinds of kingship that have been examined, this one and the
Spartan. For most of the others lie between these, since with them the king is
sovereign over fewer things than under absolute monarchy, but over more than
under the Spartan kingship. Hence our inquiry is virtually about two questions,
one whether it is expedient or inexpedient for states to have a military
commander holding office for life, and that either by descent or by class,3
1 This ritual is mentioned in Hom. Il. 1.234, Hom. Il. 7.412, Hom. Il. 10.328.
2 The monarchy was reduced to a priesthood at Cyrene (Hdt. 4.161) and at Ephesus.
3 Some MSS. give ‘or by election.’
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