for erroneous and divergent forms are necessarily
subsequent to correct forms (in what sense we employ the terms
‘divergent’ of constitutions will appear later).
Hence the citizen corresponding to each form of constitution will also
necessarily be different. Therefore the definition of a citizen that we have
given applies especially to citizenship in a democracy; under other forms of
government it may hold good, but will not necessarily do so. For in some states there is no body of common
citizens, and they do not have the custom of a popular assembly but councils of
specially convened members, and the office of trying law-suits goes by
sections—for example at Sparta suits for breach of contract are tried by different
ephors in different cases, while cases of homicide are tried by the ephors and
doubtless other suits by some other magistrate. The same method is not1 followed at Carthage, where certain magistrates judge all the law-suits.
But still, our definition of a
citizen admits of correction. For under the other forms of constitution a member
of the assembly and of a jury-court is not ‘an official’
without restriction, but an official defined according to his office; either all
of them or some among them are assigned deliberative and judicial duties either
in all matters or in certain matters. What constitutes a citizen is therefore
clear from these considerations: we now declare that one who has the right to
participate in deliberative or judicial office is a citizen of the
in which he has that right,
and a state is a collection of such persons sufficiently numerous, speaking
broadly, to secure independence of life.But in practice citizenship
is limited to the child of citizens on both sides, not on one side only, that
is, the child of a citizen father or of a citizen mother; and other people carry
this requirement further back, for example to the second or the third preceding
generation or further. But given this as a practical and hasty definition, some
people raise the difficulty, How will that ancestor three or four generations
back have been a citizen? Gorgias2 of Leontini therefore, partly
perhaps in genuine perplexity but partly in jest, said that just as the vessels
made by mortar-makers were mortars, so the citizens made by the magistrates were
Larisaeans, since some of the magistrates were actually larisa-makers.3 But it is really a simple
matter; for if they possessed citizenship in the manner stated in our definition
of a citizen, they were citizens—since it is clearly impossible to
apply the qualification of descent from a citizen father or mother to the
original colonizers or founders of a city.But perhaps a question
rather arises about those who were admitted to citizenship when a revolution had
taken place, for instance such a creation of citizens as that carried out4
at Athens by Cleisthenes after the
expulsion of the tyrants, when he enrolled in his tribes many resident aliens
who had been foreigners or slaves. The dispute as to these is not about the fact
of their citizenship, but whether they received it wrongly or rightly. Yet even
as to this one might raise the further question,
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