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Orthodoxy, 335.

Our Charley, date of, 490.

Owen, Robert Dale, his “Footfalls on the Boundary of another world” and The Debatable land between this world and the next, 464; H.

B. S. wishes George Eliot to meet, 464.


Palmerston, Lord, meeting with, 232.

Palmetto leaves published, 405; date , 491.

Papacy, The, 358.

Paris, first visit to, 241; second visit, 286.

Park, Professor Edwards A., 186.

Parker, Theodore, on the Bible and Jesus, 264.

Paton, Bailie, host of Mrs. Stowe, 211.

Peabody, pleasant reading in, 496; Queen Victoria's picture at, 496.

“Pearl of Orr's Island, the,” 186, 187; first published, 327; Whittier's favorite, 327; date of, 490.

“Pebbles from the shores of a past life,” a review of her life proposed to be written by H. B. S. with aid of son Charles, 512.

Phantoms seen by Professor Stowe, 425.

Phelps, Elizabeth Stuart, writes poem on H. B. S.'s seventieth birthday, 505.

“Philanthropist, the,” anti-slavery paper, 81, 87.

Phillips, Wendell, attitude of after war, 396.

“Pink and white Tyranny,” date of, 491.

Plymouth Church, saves Edmonson's daughters, 179; slavery and, 477; clears Henry Ward Beecher by ac-

Congregational ministers and lay-men, 479; council ratifies decision of Church, 479; committee of five appointed to bring facts which could be proved, 479; missions among poor particularly effective at time of trial, 481.

Poganuc people, 413; sent to Dr. Holmes, 414; date of, 491.

Pollock, Lord Chief Baron, 226.

Poor, generosity of touches H. B. S., 219.

Portland, H. B. S.'s friends there among the past, 494; her readings in, 493.

Portraits of Mrs. Stowe, 231; Belloc to paint, 241; untruth of, 288.

Poverty in early married life, 198.

Prescott, W. H., letter to H. B. S. from, on “Dred,” 311.

“Presse, La,” on “Dred,” 291.

Providential aid in sickness, 113.


Queer little people, date of, 490.


Reading and teaching, 139.

Religion and humanity, George Eliot on, 462.

“ Religious poems,” date of, 490.

“Revue des Deux Mondes” on “Dred,” 290.

Riots in Cincinnati and anti-slavery agitation, 85.

Roenne, Baron de, visits Professor Stowe, 102.

Roman politics in 1861, 358.

Rome, H. B. S.'s journey to, 294; impressions of, 300.

Ruskin, John, letters to H. B. S. from, on The minister's Wooing, 336; on his dislike of America, but love for American friends, 354.

Ruskin and Turner, 313.


Saint-Beuve, H. B. S.'s liking for, 474. pared with, 481.

Salisbury, Mr., interest of in Uncle Tom's Cabin, 191.

Salons, French, 289.

Sand, George, reviewsUncle Tom's Cabin, 196.

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