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Report of Col. John S. Scott, First Louisiana Cavalry.

Hdqrs. First Regiment Louisiana Cavalry, Columbia, March 10, 1862.
Sir: On yesterday morning a detachment of 40 men from my regiment, under command of Capt. G. A. Scott, of Company E, met a body of the enemy, consisting of two companies and numbering about 100 men, on the Granny White's Pike, 6 miles from Nashville. A skirmish ensued, [8] in which we killed 12 of the enemy, running them off, and burning their tents, &c. Our loss consisted of 1 man killed and 1 mortally wounded.

From the best information I can procure the enemy have concentrated about 32,000 to 35,000 men il the vicinity of Nashville. Their largest encampment appears to be on the Charlotte Pike, where they appear to have large means of land transportation, such as wagons, mules, &c.

With a small addition to my force I think they could be prevented from marauding to any great extent. If furnished with sacks, a good deal of corn, wheat, &c., could be sent out of this country within the next ten days.

Very respectfully, your obedient servant,

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