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[p. 171]

The Governor Brooks monument.

FOLLOWING is the inscription on the monument in memory of Governor John Brooks in Salem Street Cemetery, Medford:

Sacred to the memory of
John Brooks
who was Born in Medford in the
month of May 1752 and educated
at the town School
he took up arms for his country
on the 19TH of April 1775;
he Commanded the regiment which first
entered the enemy's lines at Saratoga
and served with honor to the close of the War.
he was appointed Marshal of the
district of Massachusetts by
President Washington
and after filling several important
Civil and military offices,
he was in the year 1816 chosen
Governor of the Commonwealth
and discharged the duties of that station
for several Successive years
to General acceptance
he was A kind and Skilful physician,
A brave and Prudent officer,
A wise, firm and Impartial Magistrate,
A true patriot, A good citizen and
A faithful friend
in his manner he was A Gentleman,
in morals pure, and in profession and
practice A Consistent Christian
he Departed this life in Peace on the 1ST
of March 1825 aged 73
this monument to his honored memory
was erected by several of his Fellow-citizens
and friends in the year 1838

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