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But, as I said above, cases1
often arise in which expediency may seem to clash
with moral rectitude; and so we should examine in
carefully and see whether their conflict is inevitable
or whether they may be reconciled. The following
are problems of this sort: suppose, for example, a
time of dearth and famine at Rhodes, with provisions
at fabulous prices; and suppose that an honest man
has imported a large cargo of grain from Alexandria
and that to his certain knowledge also several other
importers have set sail from Alexandria, and that on
the voyage he has sighted their vessels laden with
grain and bound for Rhodes; is he to report the fact
to the Rhodians or is he to keep his own counsel
and sell his own stock at the highest market price?
I am assuming the case of a virtuous, upright man,
and I am raising the question how a man would
think and reason who would not conceal the facts
from the Rhodians if he thought that it was immoral
to do so, but who might be in doubt whether such
silence would really be immoral.
1 Expediency vs. moral rectitude in business relations.
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