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Louisville, Ky., January 1, 1862.
To A. Lincoln, President
There is no arrangement between General Halleck and myself. I have been informed by General McClellan that he would make suitable disposition for concerted action.

There is nothing to prevent Bowling Green being reenforced from Columbus, if a military force is not brought to bear on the latter place.

D. C. Buell, Brigadier-General.

Louisville, 11 P. M., January 1, 1862.
To President Lincoln.
I have already telegraphed General Halleck with a view to arranging a concert of action between us, and am momentarily expecting his answer.

D. C. Buell, Brigadier General.

General McClellan is sick. Are General Buell and yourself in concert? When he moves on Bowling Green, what hinders it being reenforced from Columbus? A simultaneous drive by you on Columbus might prevent it. Answer.

headquarters Department of the Missouri St. Louis, January 1, 1862.
A. Lincoln, President U. S. A., Washington
I have never received a word from General Buell. I am not ready to co-operate with him; hope to do so in a few weeks. Have written fully on this subject to General McClellan. Too much haste will ruin everything here.

H. W. Halleck, Major-General.

I understand General McClellan is sick. Has any concerted action been arranged for us? If not, can any be arranged between us? If possible, it is desirable it should be done speedily.

D. C. Buell, Brigadier-General commanding.

headquarters Department of the Missouri St. Louis, January 2, 1862.
Brigadier-General Buell, Louisville.
I have had no instructions respecting cooperation. All my available troops are in the field, except those at Cairo and Paducah, which are barely sufficient to threaten Columbus, etc. A few weeks hence I hope to be able to render you very material assistance, but now a withdrawal of my troops from this State is almost impossible. Write me fully.

H. W. Halleck, Major-General

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