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1 خَرَمَهُ خرم خرمه خرمة , aor. خَرِمَ , inf.n. خَرْمٌ, He perforated, or pierced, it; namely, a thing. (Msb.) [And so خَزَمَهُ. (Mgh in art. خزم.)] ― -b2- And He cut it, or cut it off. (Msb.) You say, مَا خَرَمْتُ مِنْهُ شَيْئًا I did not diminish, and did not cut off, from it, or him, anything. (S.) And مَا خَرَمَ مِنَ الحَدِيثِ حَرْفًا He did not diminish [from the narrative, or tradition, a letter, or a word]. (TA.) And خَرَمَ فُلَانًا, (K,) aor, and inf. n. as above, (TA,) He slit the partition between the nostrils of such a one: (K:) or خَرْمٌ signifies the mutilating (قَطْع) of the nose: (JK:) or mutilation (قَطْع) in the partition between the nostrils and in the نَاشِرَتَانِ [or two alœ], or in the extremity of the أَرْنَبَة [or lobule of the nose]; not amounting to what is termed جَدْعٌ; (Lth, TA;) and the epithet is ↓ أَخْرَمُ , fem. خَرْمَآءُ: (Lth, JK, TA:) and the like in the lip; or in the upper part of the فُوق [app. meaning the front edge of the lobe, which at its termination above forms a crena,] of the ear: (Lth, TA: [see أَخْرَمُ, as relating to the ear:]) accord. to Sh, it is both in the nose and in the ear; but in the nose, it is the mutilation (قطع) of the fore part of the nostril of a man, and the أَرْنَبَة [or lobule of the nose], after the mutilation of the upper part of this, so as to reach the interior of the nose; and the epithet applied to the man is ↓ أَخْرَمُ . (TA.) And خَرَمَهُ, inf. n. as above, also signifies He hit, or hurt, his خَوْرَمَة [q. v.]. (TA.) You say also, خَرَمَ الخُرْزَةَ, (K, TA, in the CK [erroneously] الخَرَزَةَ,) aor. as above, (K,) and so the inf. n.; (TA;) and ↓ خرّمها , (K,) inf.n. تَخْرِيمٌ; (TA;) He cracked, or tore without separating, the suture, or seam, of a skin; syn. فَصَمَهَا: (K, TA, in the CK قَصَمَها:) or خَرَمْتُ الخَرْزَ, aor. and inf. n. as above, i. q. أَثْأَيْتُهُ [meaning I spoiled the sewing of the skin, or hide; as when one uses a thick instrument for sewing or perforating, and a thin thong; or as when one rends two stitch-holes into one]. (S.) [And خَرَمَهُ سَيْلٌ app. A torrent cut into it, or trenched it; namely, the ground, or the side of a mountain: see خَرْمٌ.] And ↓ خَرَمَتْهُ خَوَارِمُ [lit. Cutting-off events cut him off]; meaning (assumed tropical:) he died: like as one says, شَعَبَتْهُ شَعُوبُ. (TA. [See also 8.]) ― -b3- خَرَمَ القِرْطَاسَ He hit the target with his arrow without perforating it. (TA.) ― -b4- مَا خَرَمَ عَنِ الطَّرِيقِ He (a guide) did not turn aside from the way. (JK, S.) -A2- خَرِمَ, (S, K,) aor. خَرَمَ , (K,) inf. n. خَرَمٌ, (S,) said of a man, (S, K,) He had the partition between his nostrils cut, or mutilated: or the extremity of his nose, but not to the extent denoted by the term جَدْعٌ: the epithet applied to the man in this case is ↓ أَخْرَمُ : (S:) or he had the partition between his nostrils slit; i. e. وَتَرَتُهُتَخَرَّمَتْ . (K.) -A3- خَرُمَ, aor. خَرُمَ , He cared not for what he did nor for what was said to him. (K.) 2 خَرَّمَ see 1. ― -b2- [Hence,] ضَرْعٌ فِيهِ تَخْرِيمٌ An udder in which are incisions [or crackings of the skin]; and so فيه تَشْرِيمٌ. (TA.) 5 تخرّمت وَتَرَتُهُ تخرمت وترته تخرمت وترتة : see 1, last sentence but one. تخرّمت الخُرْزَةُ (K, TA, in the CK [erroneously] خَرَمَهَا,) The suture, or seam, of a skin cracked, or became torn without separating; quasi-pass. of خَرَمَهَا [q. v.]. (K, TA.) ↓ انخرم [in like manner] signifies It became slit; said of the bore of the ear. (S.) And you say also, تخرّم الزَّنْدُ [The wooden instrument for producing fire cracked, or split]. (TA.) Hence the phrase, أَرَاكَ يَتَخَرَّمُ زَنْدُكَ, mentioned by IAar, meaning (assumed tropical:) I see thee to have no good in thee: for when the زند cracks, or splits, (إِِذَا تَخَرَّمَ,) one cannot produce fire by mean of it, and there is no good in it. (TA.) [Hence likewise,] تخرّم زَنْدُهُ means also (tropical:) His anger became appeased: [or,] accord. to the S, تخرّم زَبَدُهُ has this meaning: and accord. to the A, تخرّم أَنْفُهُ has the same meaning. (TA.) Accord. to IAar, (TA,) جَآءَنَا فُلَانٌ يَتَخَرَّمُ زَبَدُهُ means (tropical:) Such a one came to us doing to us that which was wrongful, or injurious, and foolish, or stupid. (K, * TA.) -A2- See also 8, in two places. -A3- تخرّم also signifies He followed, or adopted, the religion of the خُرَّمِيَّة. (S, K, TA: in the CK, the مَخْرِمِيَّة.) 7 انخرم أنخرم انخرم ٱنخرم It became cut, or cut off. (Msb.) See also 5. Said of a writing, or book, it means It became deficient; part of it went. (TA.) And said of a generation, It went away; came to an end. (TA.) See also أَخْرَمُ. 8 اِخْتَرَمَهُمُ الدَّهْرُ اخترمهم الدهر Time, or fortune, cut them off; and extirpated them; as also ↓ تَخَرَّمَهُمْ : (S:) or destroyed them by its calamities. (Msb.) And اِخْتَرَمَتْهُمُ المَنِيَّةُ and ↓ تَخَرَّمَتْهُمْ Death, or the decree of death, cut them off; and extirpated them. (K.) And اِخَْرَمَتْهُ المَنِيَّةُ Death, or the decree of death, [cut him off, or] took him away, (JK, K, TA,) مِنْ بَيْنِ أَصْحَابِهِ [from amidst his companions. (TA. [A phrase similar to خَرَمَتْهُ خَوَارِمُ: see 1.]) And اُخْتُرِمَ عَنَّا (JK, * K,) [He was cut off from us by death;] he was taken away [from us by death]; (JK;) he died, (K, TA,) and went away [from us]. (TA.) Accord. to some, اِخْتِرامٌ [as an inf. n. of اُخْتُرِمَ] signifies The dying suddenly. (Har p. 123.) خَرْمٌ خرم A prominence, or projecting part, of a mountain: (JK, S, K:) pl. خُرُومٌ. (JK.) And A bed trenched by a torrent (مَا خَرَمَ سَيْلٌ [see 1]): (JK:) so some say: (TA:) or a road in a [tract of high ground such as is termed] قُفّ; or on the summit of a mountain. (JK, TA.) [See also مَخْرِمٌ.] خُرْمٌ خرم The place of the bore, or perforation, of a thing. (Msb.) The eye of a needle. (TA.) ― -b2- See also مَخْرِمٌ. خَرَمَةٌ خرم خرمه خرمة The place of perforation of the ear: (S:) or the place of slitting, of the nose, in the partition between the nostrils [and in either of the alœ, as appears from what here follows]. (K.) It is said in a trad., فِى الخَرَمَاتِ الثَّلَاثِ مِنَ الأَنْف الدِّيَةُ, by الخرمات being app. meant ↓ المَخْرُومَات , i. e. [In the case of the mutilation of] the two alœ and the partition between the nostrils [the blood-wit, or fine for homicide, shall be paid]. (TA.) خُرْمَانٌ خرم خرمان A lie, or falsehood. (S, K.) One says, جَآءَ فُلَانٌ بِالخُرْمَانِ (S, TA) i. e. [Such a one uttered] that which was a lie. (TA.) خَرِيمٌ خريم One who cares not for what he does nor for what is said to him. (K.) الخُرَّمِيَّةُ الخرميه الخرمية The sect who held the doctrine of the transmigration of the soul, and allowed general license: (S, K, TA:) they were in the time of El-Moatasim: their sheykh, Bábak [El-Khurramee, i. e. of Khurram, in Persia], was then slain, and they scattered themselves in the countries; and there remains of them a remnant in the mountains of Syria. (TA.) خُرَّامٌ خرام [a pl. of which the sing. is not mentioned,] Young men (TA) such as follow the licentious ways of the خُرَّمِيَّة [so I render ↓ مُتَخَرِّمُونَ ] in acts of disobedience. (K, TA.) [See what next follows.] خَارِمٌ خارم [act. part. n. of خَرَمَ: fem. with ة; and pl. of the latter خَوَارِمُ]. One says, خَرَمَتْهُ خَوَارِمُ [explained above]: see 1. (TA.) ― -b2- Corrupting; acting corruptly; doing evil, or mischief. (K.) [See خُرَّامٌ, which is probably a pl. thereof.] ― -b3- Neglecting; or leaving undone [what ought to be done]. (K.) -A2- Cold, as an epithet (K.) ― -b2- A cold wind: (K:) so accord. to A'Obeyd: but accord. to Kr, [خَازِمٌ,] with زاى. (TA.) خَوْرَمٌ خورم : see what next follows. خَوْرَمَةٌ خورمه خورمة The end, or tip, of the nose (JK, S) of a man: (S:) or the fore part of the nose: or the part between the nostrils. (K.) ― -b2- Also, (JK, K,) as being likened thereto, (TA,) (assumed tropical:) A rock in which are holes; (JK, K;) n. un. of ↓ خَوْرَمٌ : (K:) [or] the latter has this signification. (S. [But this seems to be a mistake.]) أَخْرَمُ ذ [Having the nose mutilated in any of the manners explained in the first paragraph of this art.]: fem. خَرْمَآءُ: see 1, in three places. ― -b2- And Having the ear perforated, when it is not slit: (S:) or having the ear slit after it has been pierced: (S and Msb* and TA in art. خرب:) and ↓مُخَرَّمٌ, likewise, signifies having the ear slit; as also أَخْرَبُ and مُخَرَّبٌ. (TA in that art.) And the fem., applied to a she-goat, Having her ear slit crosswise. (K. [See also خَذْمَآءُ.]) Also, the fem., applied to an ear, Slit, or perforated, or mutilated. (K, * TA.) -A2- Also A pool of water left by a torrent; because one part thereof passes a way (↓ يَنْخَرِمُ ) to another: pl. خُرْمٌ. (TA.) ― -b2- And the fem. also signifies Any hill, or rising ground, sloping down into a [hollow such as is termed] وَهْدَة; (K;) and so the masc.: (TA:) or any [hill such as is termed] أَكَمَة having a side whereby it cannot be ascended. (K.) -A3- أَخْرَمُ الكَتِفِ The extremity of the spine of the scapula: (S:) or a notch, or small hollowed place, [app. the glenoid cavity,] at the extremity of the spine of the scapula, (JK, T, TA,) next the socket: (T, TA:) pl. أَخَارِمُ: (JK, T, TA:) or أَخْرَمَا الكَتِفَيْنِ, in the K miswritten آخِرُ مَا فِى الكَتَِفَيْنِ, signifies the heads of the two scapulæ, next the upper arms: (K, * TA:) or the two extremities, or edges, of the lower portion of the two scapulæ, which surround, or border, the كُعْبُرَة [app. here meaning the thick part next to the inferior angle] of the scapula: and الأَخْرَمُ the end of the spine [of the scapula]. (K, * TA. [In the K is here added, accord. to different copies, حَيْثُ يَنْخَدِعُ, as in the TA; or حيث يَنْخَدِمُ, as in the CK; or حيث يَنْخَذِمُ: the right reading seems to be حَيْثُ يَنْخَرِمُ, where it forms a kind of cleft; app. meaning where it forms the glenoid cavity. In the CK, for مُنْقَطَعُ العَيْرِ, is erroneously put مُنْقَطِعُ العَيْنِ; and و is erroneously prefixed to the former noun.]) ― -b2- الأَخْرَمَانِ Two cleft bones at the extremity of the interior of the upper part of the inside of the mouth. (K.) -A4- أَخْرَمُ الرَّأْىِ (tropical:) A man weak in judgment. (JK, TA.) مَخْرِمٌ مخرم The end of a prominence, or projecting part, of a mountain: pl. مَخَارِمُ: (S:) or مَخْرِمُ جَبَلٍ signifies the prominence, or projecting part, of a mountain: [like خَرْمٌ:] and مَخْرِمُ سَيْلٍ, the extremity of a torrent: (K: [accord. to the TK, of a sword; for مخرم السيف is there put in the place of مخرم السِيل:]) pl. as above: (TA:) and مَخْرِمُ أَكَمَةٍ and اكمةٍخُرْمُ signify the place where a hill such as is termed اكمة ends. (K.) Also A [road such as is termed] ثَنِيَّة, between two mountains: (TA:) [or the pl.] مَخَارِمُ signifies the mouths of [mountain-roads such as are termed] فِجَاج: (S:) or roads in rugged tracts: (Skr, K:) or roads in mountains, and in sands. (IAth, TA.) [Hence,] يَمِينٌ ذَاتُ مَخَارِمَ (tropical:) An oath in which are ways of evasion. (S, TA.) And لَا خَيْرَ فِى يَمِينٍ لَا مَخَارِمَ لَهَا (tropical:) There is no good in an oath that has not ways of evasion: from مَخْرِمٌ signifying “ a ثَنِيَّة between two mountains. ” (TA.) And هٰذِهِ يَمِينٌ قَدْ طَلَعَتْ فِى المَخَارِمِ (tropical:) [This is an oath that has come forth in expressions that admit of ways of evasion]: said of an oath that affords a way [or rather ways] of evasion to the utterer thereof. (AZ, TA.) ― -b2- [The pl.] المَخَارِمُ [or مَخَارِمُ اللَّيْلِ] also signifies The first portions of the night. (K.) It occurs in an instance in which some read المَحَارِمُ [pl. of مَحْرَمٌ, q. v.]. (TA.) مُخّرَّمٌ مخرم : see أَخْرَمُ. It is said in a trad., نَهَى أَنْ يُضَحَّى بِالمُخَرَّمَةِ الأُذُنِ He forbade the sacrificing as an أُضْحِيَّة [q. v.] the animal having the ear cut, or cut off, or mutilated: or having many perforations, and slits, in its ear. (TA.) مَخْرُومَاتٌ مخروم مخرومات : see خَرَمَةٌ. مُتَخَرِّمُونَ متخرمون : see خُرَّامٌ.

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