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[229] ἠθεῖ᾽ε), cf. Z 518.

[231] στέωμεν, second aorist subjunctive of “ἵστημι”. A preferable spelling would be the regular “στήομεν§ 149), with “η” pronounced short, as in “δήιος” often; some MSS. in fact read “στέομεν”. The form in the text must be pronounced with synizesis.

[234] γνωτῶν, ‘brothers,’ as in 3.174.

[235] νοέω φρεσί = “ἐν νῷ ἔχω”.

[236] ὅς, irregularly lengthened.

[250] σ᾽ε) ... “φοβήσομαι”, ‘will flee from you.’

[253] ἕλοιμι, in sense of ‘slay’; its passive is “ἁλοίην”.

[254] θεοὺς ἐπιδώμεθα (“ἐπι-δίδωμι”), ‘let us take the gods to ourselves’ as witnesses: ‘let us make’ them ‘our’ witnesses.

[255] ἁρμονιάων, used only here in the figurative meaning, ‘compact.’

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