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[293] to march, which were not issued as promptly as he desired. He believed that through political influence at Richmond he was being slighted. He adopted heroic measures; seized steamers laden with heavy cargoes of sugar going up the river to Cincinnati and Pittsburg, and confiscating the freight found on them purchased such arms as he could and embarked his command for Memphis. While thus delayed, other organizations joined him —Lieut.-Col. John S. Marmaduke's battalion of eight companies, which he afterward denominated the Third Confederate infantry, three companies of cavalry under Maj. C. W. Phifer, and Captain Swett's Mississippi battery of four guns. The combined force, temporarily known as Hindman's legion, was first sent to Randolph, Tenn., then to the defense of Columbus, Ky., when it was bombarded by the Western flotilla under Foote, in cooperation with Federal General Grant. Hindman's regiment did effective service at Richmond and Perryville, Ky., and in Hindman's division was in that part of Sidney Johnston's line which swept through Sherman's camps at Shiloh. Hindman, who had been promoted to brigadier-general, had his horse killed under him, and after the battle was promoted to major-general and given permanent command of the division. His old regiment was in the battles of Chickamauga, Missionary Ridge, Ringgold Gap, Dalton, Resaca, Peachtree Creek, Atlanta, Franklin and Nashville, and finally at Bentonville, N. C. Major-General Hindman himself, after serving in several battles in the Georgia campaign, was struck, in riding, by the branch of a tree across his eyes, which became inflamed and rendered him unfit for duty. He was granted a furlough, and finally settled in Mexico and engaged in coffee culture. But one day his magnificent plantation was overrun by revolutionists, who made his hacienda their battlefield, and he returned to Arkansas to engage in the practice of his profession. He was an expert in political tactics, and was active as a Democratic manager in his

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Thomas C. Hindman (5)
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George W. Sherman (1)
Charles W. Phifer (1)
John S. Marmaduke (1)
Nathaniel Grant (1)
James J. Franklin (1)
R. E. Foote (1)
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