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General Pearce, with his Arkansas brigade (Gratiot's, Walker's and Dockery's regiments of infantry), came gallantly to the rescue when sent for, leading his men into the thickest of the fight. He contributed much to the success of the day. The commanders of regiments of my own brigade, Colonels Churchill, Greer, Embry, McIntosh, Hebert and McRae, led their different regiments into action with the greatest coolness and bravery, always in front of their men, cheering them on. Woodruff, Bledsoe and Reid managed their batteries with great ability, and did much execution.

Brig.-Gen. N. B. Pearce, commanding First division, army of Arkansas, in his report said:

At about 5 o'clock a m., one of my escort came hastily into camp and informed me that the enemy were in force a short distance to the east of camp. About the same time Captain Carroll informed me that General McCulloch received information of their approach on the west. I immediately formed the Third, Fourth and Fifth infantry Arkansas volunteers, and posted them as follows: The Fourth and Fifth on the heights to the east, to support Reid's battery, which had been ordered posted there. Woodruff's battery was ordered to take position on the eminence north of camp, and the Third infantry ordered to support it. I took position with the Fourth and Fifth infantry and Reid's battery, holding Captain Carroll's company of cavalry in reserve in the ravine. Soon the enemy (General Sigel's brigade) appeared in our rear in the field formerly occupied by General Churchill's cavalry. They had infantry, cavalry and artillery, but being some distance off, I was unable to determine the character of this force, as they displayed no flag until they marched across the field and had fired several rounds with their artillery. With a glass I discovered the Stars and Stripes unfurled, and at once ordered Captain Reid to open on them, which he did with terrific effect. I am informed that the enemy lost several killed and wounded, and several artillery horses killed by this fire enabled the infantry of Colonel Hebert's regiment to charge and take the battery. The movement of the enemy appearing to be directed to our left, I ordered Col. F. A. Rector to take command of the Fourth and three companies of

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