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When Lysicrates was archon in Athens, in Rome the consuls elected were Gaius Nautius Rutilus and Lucius Minucius Carutianus. During this year Pericles, the general of the Athenians, landed in the Peloponnesus and ravaged the territory of the Sicyonians. [2] And when the Sicyonians came out against him in full force and a battle was fought, Pericles was victorious, slew many as they fled, and shut them up in their city, to which he laid siege. But when he was unable by making assaults upon the walls to take the city, and when, besides, the Lacedaemonians sent aid to the besieged, he withdrew from Sicyon; then he sailed to Acarnania, where he overran the territory of Oeniadae, amassed much booty, and then sailed away from Acarnania. [3] After this he arrived at the Cherronesus2 and portioned out the land in allotments to one thousand citizens. While these events were taking place, Tolmides, the other3 general, passed over into Euboea and divided it and the land of the Naxians among another thousand citizens. [4]

As for the events in Sicily, since the Tyrrhenians were practising piracy at sea, the Syracusans chose Phayllus as admiral and sent him to Tyrrhenia. He sailed at first to the island known as Aethaleia4 and ravaged it, but he secretly accepted a bribe of money from the Tyrrhenians and sailed back to Sicily without having accomplished anything worthy of mention. [5] The Syracusans found him guilty of treachery and exiled him, and choosing another general, Apelles, they dispatched him with sixty triremes against the Tyrrhenians. He overran the coast of Tyrrhenia and then passed over to Cyrnus,5 which was held at those times by the Tyrrhenians, and after sacking many places in this island and subduing Aethaleia, he returned to Syracuse accompanied by a multitude of captives and not a little other spoil. [6] And after this Ducetius, the leader of the Siceli, gathered all the cities which were of the same race, with the exception of Hybla, into one and a common federation; and being an energetic man, he was always grasping after innovations, and so he gathered a large army from the Sicilian League and removed the city of Menae, which was his native state, and planted it in the plain. Also near the sacred precinct of the Palici, as they are called, he founded an important city, which he named Palice after the gods just mentioned.

1 453 B.C.

2 The Thracian, in 447 B.C.

3 i.e. in active command.

4 Elba.

5 Corsica.

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  • Cross-references to this page (8):
    • Dictionary of Greek and Roman Geography (1854), ETRU´RIA
    • Dictionary of Greek and Roman Geography (1854), HYBLA
    • Dictionary of Greek and Roman Geography (1854), ILVA
    • Dictionary of Greek and Roman Geography (1854), MENAENUM
    • Dictionary of Greek and Roman Geography (1854), PALICO´RUM LACUS
    • Dictionary of Greek and Roman Geography (1854), SICI´LIA
    • Dictionary of Greek and Roman Geography (1854), SI´CYON
    • Smith's Bio, Duce'tius
  • Cross-references in general dictionaries to this page (2):
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