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σοῖςτάφοις, poetical locative dat. (O. T. 381 n.), freq. in Homer, as Il. 21.389ἥμενος Οὐλύμπῳ”. Some day the Thebans will invade Attica, and will be defeated by the Athenians near the grave of Oedipus. Cp. Aristeides ὑπὲρ τῶν τεττάρων p. 284 (the great men of the Greek past are guardian spirits), “καὶ ῥύεσθαί γε τὴν χώραν οὐ χεῖρον τὸν ἐν Κολωνῷ κείμενον Οἰδίπουν”: where the schol. records a vague legend of his epiphany in some fight with Theban invaders. When the Persians (480 B.C.) were repulsed from Delphi, two gigantic warriors pursued them; “τούτους δὲ τοὺς δύο Δελφοὶ λέγουσι εἷναι τοὺς ἐπιχωρίους ἥρωας, Φύλακόν τε καὶ Αὐτόνοον, τῶν τὰ τεμένεά ἐστι περὶ τὸ ἱρόν(Her. 8.39). So Theseus was seen at Marathon (Plut. Thes. 35); Athene appeared, and the Aeacidae helped, at Salamis (Her. 9.83 f.).

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