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Doc. 50.-the battle of Manassas.

General Beauregard's order before the battle.

headquarters army of the Potomac, July 20, 1861.
Special Order, No.--.
The following order is published for the information of division and brigade commanders:

First.--Brigadier-General Ewell's brigade will march via Union Mills Ford, and place itself in position of attack upon the enemy. It will be held in readiness either to support the attack upon Centreville, or to move in the direction of Sangster's Cross-roads, according to circumstances.

The order to advance will be given by the Commander-in-Chief.

Second.--Brigadier-General Jones' brigade, supported by Colonel Early's brigade, will march via McLean's Ford, to place itself in position of attack on the enemy, on or about the Union Mills and Centreville roads. It will be held in readiness either to support the attack on Centreville or to move in the direction of Fairfax Station, according to circumstances, with its right flank towards the left of Ewell's command, more or less distant, according to the nature of the country and attack.

The order to advance will be given by the Commander-in-Chief.

Third.--Brigadier-General Longstreet's brigade, supported by Brigadier-General Jackson's brigade, will march via McLean's Ford, to place itself in position of attack upon the enemy, on or about the Union Mill and Centreville road. It will be held in readiness either to support the attack on Centreville or to move in the direction of Fairfax Court House, according to circumstances, with its right flank towards the left of Jones' command, more or less distant, according to the nature of the country.

The order to advance will be given by the Commander-in-Chief.

Fourth.--Brigadier-General Bonham's brigade, supported by Colonel Barton's brigade, will march via Mitchell's Ford, to the attack of Centreville, the right wing to the left of the Third division, more or less distant, according to the nature of the country and of the attack.

The order to advance will be given by the Commander-in-Chief.

Fifth.--Colonel Cocke's brigade, supported by Colonel Elsey's brigade, will march via Stone Bridge and the fords on the right thereto, to the attack of Centreville; the right wing to the left of the Fourth division, more or less distant, according to the nature of the country and of the attack.

The order to advance will be given by the Commander-in-Chief.

Sixth.--Brigadier-General Bee's brigade, supported by Colonel Wilcox's brigade, Colonel Stuart's regiment of cavalry, and the whole of Walton's battery, will form the reserve, and will [621] march via Mitchell's Ford, to be used according to circumstances.

Seventh.--The light batteries will be distributed as follows:

1. To General Ewell's command, Captain Walker's six pieces.

2. To Brigadier-General Jones, Captains Albertis' and Standard's batteries, eight pieces.

3. To Brigadier-General Longstreet, Colonel Pendleton's and Captain Imboden's batteries, eight pieces.

4. To Brigadier-General Bonham, Captains Kemper's and Shields' batteries, eight pieces.

5. To Colonel Cocke, Colonel Hunton's, Captains Latham's and Beckham's batteries, twelve pieces.

Eighth.--Colonel Radford, commanding cavalry, will detail, to report immediately, as follows:

To Brigadier-General Ewell, two companies cavalry.

To Brigadier-General Jones, two companies cavalry.

To Brigadier-General Longstreet, two companies cavalry.

To General Bonham, three companies cavalry.

To Colonel Cocke, the remaining companies of cavalry, except those on special service.

Ninth.--The Fourth and Fifth divisions, after the fall of Centreville, will advance to the attack of Fairfax Court House, via the Braddock and Turnpike roads, to the north of the latter.

The First, Second, and Third divisions will, if necessary support the Fourth and Fifth divisions.

Tenth.-In this movement the First, Second, and Third divisions will form the command of General Holmes; the Fourth and Fifth divisions that of the second in command. The reserve will move upon the plains between Mitchell's Ford and Stone Bridge, and, together with the Fourth and Fifth divisions, will be under the immediate direction of General Beauregard.

By command of General Beauregard.

Thomas Jordan, A. A. General.

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