(b) The point from which each
thing may best come into being; e.g., a course of study should
sometimes be begun not from what is primary or from the starting-point
of the subject, but from the point from which it is easiest to learn.
(c) That thing as a result of whose presence something first comes
into being; e.g., as the keel is the beginning of a ship, and the
foundation that of a house, and as in the case of animals some
thinkers suppose the heart1 to be the "beginning," others the
brain,2 and others something
similar, whatever it may be. (d) That from which, although not present
in it, a thing first comes into being, and that from which motion and
change naturally first begin, as the child comes from the father and
mother, and fighting from abuse. (e) That in accordance with whose
deliberate choice that which is moved is moved, and that which is
changed is changed; such as magistracies, authorities, monarchies and
despotisms.(f) Arts
are also called "beginnings,"3 especially the architectonic arts.
(g) Again, "beginning" means the point from which a thing is first
comprehensible, this too is called the "beginning" of the thing; e.g.
the hypotheses of demonstrations. ("Cause" can have a similar number
of different senses, for all causes are "beginnings.")It is a common property, then, of all "beginnings" to be the first
thing from which something either exists or comes into being or
becomes known; and some beginnings are originally inherent in things,
while others are not.
"nature" is a beginning, and so is "element" and "understanding" and
"choice" and "essence" and "final cause"—for in many cases
the Good and the Beautiful are the beginning both of knowledge and of
motion."Cause" means: (a) in one sense, that as the
result of whose presence something comes into being—e.g. the
bronze of a statue and the silver of a cup, and the classes4 which contain these;
(b) in another sense, the form or pattern; that is, the
essential formula and the classes which contain it—e.g. the
ratio 2:1 and number in general is the cause of the
octave—and the parts of the formula.(c) The source of the first beginning
of change or rest; e.g. the man who plans is a cause, and the father
is the cause of the child, and in general that which produces is the
cause of that which is produced, and that which changes of that which
is changed. (d) The same as "end"; i.e. the final cause; e.g., as the
"end" of walking is health.For why does a man walk? "To be healthy," we say, and by saying this
we consider that we have supplied the cause. (e) All those means
towards the end which arise at the instigation of something else, as,
e.g. fat-reducing, purging, drugs and instruments are causes of
1 This was Aristotle's own view,Aristot. De Gen. An. 738b 16.
2 So Plato held,Plat. Tim. 44 d.
3 As directing principles.
4 sc. of material—metal, wood, etc.
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