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1621. Passive (1747): ““πᾶσαν θεραπεία_ν θεραπευόμενοςreceiving every manner of serviceP. Phae. 255a, ““τύπτεσθαι πεντήκοντα πληγά_ςto be struck fifty blowsAes. 1.139, κρίσις, ἣν ἐκρίθη the sentence that was pronounced upon him L. 13.50, ““τὰ_ς μάχα_ς, ὅσα_ς Πέρσαι ἡττήθησαν ἐῶI omit the battles in which the Persians were defeatedI. 4.145, ““ὄνομα ἓν κεκλημένοι Σικελιῶταιcalled by the one name of SiciliansT. 4.64.

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