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This chapter seems to belong to the common version of Thera and Cyrene; but the detail ἕνα καταλιπόντες came in at an earlier stage of the Theraean story (151. 3).

ἐλθόντος. Apollo's visit was when he brought the Thessalian maid Cyrene to Libya, and made her queen of a land πολύμηλος (Pind. Pyth. ix. 10); but the country was not really famed for its sheep.

σοφίην σευ. The priests as usual explain the failure of their own prediction by the ignorance of the recipient (i. 167. 4 n.).

The name Aziris is clearly Libyan. H. seems to speak as an eyewitness; there is nothing inconsistent with this view in the λέγεται of 156. 3, which only means that H. had not measured Platea himself. Aziris would then be the place called in Smith and Grove ‘Paliurus’. Others, however, following the Stadiasmus Maris Magni (G. G. M. i. 444, a compilation of uncertain date), place Aziris, there called Azaris, further north, outside the Gulf of Bomba.

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    • Pindar, Pythian, 9
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