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Now as for Lesser Armenia, it was ruled by different persons at different times, according to the will of the Romans, and finally by Archeläus. But the Tibareni and Chaldaei, extending as far as Colchis, and Pharnacia and Trapezus are ruled by Pythodoris, a woman who is wise and qualified to preside over affairs of state. She is the daughter of Pythodorus of Tralles. She became the wife of Polemon and reigned along with him for a time, and then, when he died1 in the country of the Aspurgiani, as they are called, one of the barbarian tribes round Sindice, she succeeded to the rulership. She had two sons and a daughter by Polemon. Her daughter was married to Cotys the Sapaean,2 but he was treacherously slain,3 and she lived in widowhood, because she had children by him; and the eldest of these is now in power.4 As for the sons of Pythodoris, one of them5 as a private citizen is assisting his mother in the administration of her empire, whereas the other6 has recently been established as king of Greater Armenia. She herself married Archeläus and remained with him to the end;7 but she is living in widowhood now, and is in possession not only of the places above mentioned, but also of others still more charming, which I shall describe next.

1 Cf. 14. 1. 42.

2 King of Odrysae (Book VII, Frag. 47).

3 In A.D. 19 by his uncle, Rhescuporis, king of the Bosporus.

4 The king of Thrace.

5 Polemon II.

6 Zenon.

7 He died in A.D. 17.

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