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To anyone returning from Thebes to Argos,1 Tanagra is on the left; and2 . . . is situated on the right. And Hyria,3 also, belongs to the Tanagraean territory now, though in earlier times it belonged to the Theban territory. Hyria is the scene of the myth of Hyrieus, and of the birth of Orion, of which Pindar speaks in his dithyrambs;4 it is situated near Aulis. Some say that Hysiae is called Hyria, belonging to the Parasopian country5 below Cithaeron, near Erythrae, in the interior, and that it is a colony of the Hyrieans and was founded by Nycteus, the father of Antiope. There is also a Hysiae in the Argive territory, a village; and its inhabitants are called Hysiatae. The Erythrae in Ionia is a colony of this Erythrae. And Heleon, also, is a village belonging to Tanagra, having been so named from the "hele."6

1 If Strabo wrote "Argos," which is doubtful (see critical note), he must have been thinking of the route taken by Amphiaraüs, or Adrastus, back to the Peloponnesus.

2 See critical note.

3 The place mentioned in Hom. Il. 2.496

4 Pind. Fr. 73 (Bergk)

5 i.e., the country along the Asopus River.

6 "Marshes."

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