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1 See 7. 5. 2.
2 Now the Morava.
3 i.e. east of the Margus.
4 The sites of these places are unknown. Groskurd and Forbiger identify them with what are now Heortberg (Hartberg) and Kappenberg (Kapfenstein).
5 7. 3. 7, 8, 10, 13.
6 7. 4. 5.
7 i.e. “in the interior and back of.”
8 Now Mangalia, on the Black Sea.
9 Now Kostanza.
10 Now Karanasib.
11 Cp. 7. 5. 7 and the footnote.
12 The word “these” would naturally refer to the Autariatae and the Dardanians, but it might refer to the Bessi (see next footnote).
13 The “Hybrianes” are otherwise unknown. Casaubon and Meineke emend to “Agrianes” (cp. 7. 5. 11 and Fragments 36, 37 and 41). If this doubtful emendation be accepted, the “these” (see preceding footnote) must refer to the Bessi.
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