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But critics are in dispute in regard to the terms "Hellas," "Hellenes," and "Panhellenes." For Thucydides1 says that the poet nowhere speaks of barbarians, "because the Hellenes had not as yet been designated by a common distinctive name opposed to that of the barbarians." And Apollodorus says that only the Greeks in Thessaly were called Hellenes: "and were called Myrmidons and Hellenes." He says, however, that Hesiod and Archilochus already knew that all the Greeks were called, not only Hellenes, but also Panhellenes, for Hesiod, in speaking of the daughters of Proteus, says that the Panhellenes wooed them, and Archilochus says that “"the woes of the Panhellenes centered upon Thasos."
2 But others oppose this view, saying that the poet also speaks of barbarians, since he speaks of the Carians as men of barbarous speech,3 and of all the Greeks as Hellenes, “"the man whose fame is wide throughout Hellas and mid-Agros,"
4and again, “"If thou wishest to journey throughout Hellas and mid-Agros."

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load focus English (H.C. Hamilton, Esq., W. Falconer, M.A., 1903)
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