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The poet mentions some places in the order in which they are actually situated; “"and these dwelt in Hyria and Aulis,"
1“"and those who held Argos and Tiryns, Hermione and Asine, Troezen and Eiones;"
2but at other times not in their actual order: “"Schoenus and Scolus, Thespeia and Graea;"
3and he mentions the places on the mainland at the same time with the islands: “"those who held Ithaca and dwelt in Crocyleia,"
4for Crocyleia is in the country of the Acarnanians. And so, also, he here5 connects Mases with Aegina, although it is in Argolis on the mainland. Homer does not name Thyreae, although the others often speak of it; and it was concerning Thyreae that a contest arose between the Argives and the Lacedaemonians, three hundred against three hundred;6 but the Lacedaemonians under the generalship of Othryadas won the victory. Thucydides says that this place is in Cynuria on the common border of Argeia and Laconia. And there are also Hysiae, a well-known place in Argolis, and Cenchreae, which lies on the road that leads from Tegea to Argos through Mt. Parthenius7 and Creopolus,8 but Homer does not know them. Nor yet does he know Lyrceium9 nor Orneae, which are villages in Argeia, the former bearing the same name as the mountain near it and the latter the same as the Orneae which is situated between Corinth and Sicyon.

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