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After Salganeus one comes to Anthedon, a city with a harbor; and it is the last city on that part of the Boeotian seaboard which is opposite to Euboea, as the poet says, "Anthedon at the extremity."1 As one proceeds a little farther, however, there are still two small towns belonging to the Boeotians: Larymna, near which the Cephissus empties, and, still farther on, Halae, which bears the same name as the Attic demes.2 Opposite this seaboard is situated, it is said, the Aegae3 in Euboea, in which is the temple of the Aegaean Poseidon, which I have mentioned before.4 The distance across the strait from Anthedon to Aegae is one hundred and twenty stadia, but from the other places it is much less. The temple is situated on a high mountain, where there was once a city. And Orobiae5 also is near Aegae. In the Anthedonian territory is Mount Messapius,6 named after Messapus, who, when he came into Iapygia, called the country Messapia.7 Here, too, is the scene of the myth of Glaucus, the Anthedonian, who is said to have changed into a sea-monster.8

1 Hom. Il. 2.508

2 i.e. Halae Aexonides and Halae Araphenides.

3 See Hom. Il. 13.21, Hom. Od. 5.381. Aegae was on the site of the modern Limni, or else a little to the south of it (see Pauly-Wissowa, s.v. "Aigai."

4 8. 7. 4.

5 Destroyed by a tidal wave 426 B.C. (Thuc. 3.89).

6 The modern Ktypa.

7 See 6. 3. l.

8 On the change of Glaucus to a sea deity, cf. Paus. 9.22 and Plat. Rep. 611.

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