1 "Arsinoe" is thought to be an error for "Sydrie," or "Syedra" or "Aunesis".
2 Cp. 14. 6. 3.
3 Elsewhere (16. 2. 33) referred to as "Melaenae or Melaniae."
4 The mouth of the Nile at Pelusium.
5 Elsewhere (14. 5. 19), "Pylae" ("Gates") is called "a boundary between the Cilicians and the Syrians."
6 i.e., the western borders (Celenderis, according to Artemidorus).
7 Elsewhere (16. 2. 33) the MSS. give the figures of Artemidorus as follows: "From Orthosia to Pelusium, 3650 stadia, including the sinuosities of the gulfs: from Melaenae, or Melaniae, in Cilicia near Celenderis, to the common boundaries of Cilicia and Syria, 1900; thence to the Orontes, 520; and then to Orthosia, 1130." Groskurd, Forbiger and Meineke accept these figures and emend the present passage correspondingly.
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