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1 7. 170.
2 Cp. 6. 3. 2.
3 Cp. 6. 3. 2, where Antiochus says that some of them went to Bottiaea.
4 So, too, the gulf, or bay, at Byzantium resembles a stag's horn (7. 6. 2).
5 Stephanus Byzantinus says: "According to Seleucus, in his second book on Languages, 'brentium' is the Messapian word for 'the head of the stag.'" Hence the editors who emend "brentesium" to "brentium" are almost certainly correct.
6 Here, as in 6. 3. 1., Strabo is speaking of the inner harbor (Mare Piccolo), not the outer, of which, as Tozer (p. 184) says, Strabo takes no account.
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