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Now Comana is a populous city and is a notable emporium for the people from Armenia; and at the times of the "exoduses"1 of the goddess people assemble there from everywhere, from both the cities and the country, men together with women, to attend the festival. And there are certain others, also, who in accordance with a vow are always residing there, performing sacrifices in honor of the goddess. And the inhabitants live in luxury, and all their property is planted with vines; and there is a multitude of women who make gain from their persons, most of whom are dedicated to the goddess, for in a way the city is a lesser Corinth,2 for there too, on account of the multitude of courtesans, who were sacred to Aphrodite, outsiders resorted in great numbers and kept holiday. And the merchants and soldiers who went there squandered all their money3 so that the following proverb arose in reference to them: “
Not for every man is the voyage to Corinth.
” Such, then, is my account of Comana.

1 See section 32 above, and the footnote.

2 See 8. 6. 20.

3 See 8. 6. 20.

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