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”4is interpreted by writers in two ways, by some as bearing the same name as the tree,5 and by others, by a slight change in the spelling, as a village below Lycoreia.6
1 Inmost recess.
2 On the site of Medeon see Frazer's Pausanias, note on Paus. 36.6
3 But Thuc. 2.29 says: In that country (Daulia) Itys suffered at the hands of Philomela and Procne." Eustathius ad Iliad 2.520 repeats without correction Strabo's erroneous reference.
5 Cyparissus is the word for cypress tree.
6 As the text stands, the meaning is obscure. The scholiast on Ven. A, Hom. Il. 2.519, says that Cyparissus was named after Cyparissus the brother of Orchomenus, or after the cypress trees that grew in it; and the scholiast on Ven. B ibid., "Cyparissus, the present Apollonias, named after Cyparissus." Paus. 10.36.3 says: "In earlier times the name of the city was Cyparissus, and Homer, in his list of the Phocians, purposely used this name, though the city was even then called Anticyra" (see Frazer, note ad loc.). On the position of Lycoreia, see 9. 3. 3.
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