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After Abydus, then, comes the Dardanian Promontory, which I mentioned a little while ago,1 and also the city Dardanus, which is seventy stadia distant from Abydus. Between the two places empties the Rhodius River, opposite which, in the Chersonesus, is Cynos-Sema,2 which is said to be the tomb of Hecabe. But some say that the Rhodius empties into the Aesepus. This too is one of the rivers mentioned by the poet:“Rhesus, Heptaporus, Caresus, and Rhodius.
3Dardanus was an ancient settlement, but it was held in such contempt that it was oftentimes transplanted by some of the kings to Abydus and then resettled again by others on the ancient site. It was here that Cornelius Sulla, the Roman commander, and Mithridates surnamed Eupator met and arranged the terms for the conclusion of the war.

1 13. 1. 11.

2 See "Cyno-Sema."

3 Hom. Il. 12.20

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