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1 Strabo is now thinking of the Old Chersonesus.
2 Isthmus of Perekop.
3 That is, the head of the Adriatic.
4 See 7. 3. 17.
5 Little is known of this Apollonides. According to the scholiast on Apollonius Argonautica 4.983, 1175, he wrote a geographical treatise entitled Periplus of Europe.
6 The Cimmerian Bosporus, the country about the strait of Kertch. The capital was Panticapaeum (now Kertch).
7 The correct spelling of the name seems to be “Paerisades” (so on coins), but several ancient writers spell it Parisades.
8 Now called Feodosia or Kaffa.
9 Now Amasra.
10 Literally, “Ram's-forehead”; now Cape Karadje.
11 Now Cape Kerembe.
12 Cp. 2. 5. 22, where the same thought is clearly expressed.
13 But cp. 2. 5. 22.
14 Cp. the footnote on seeing from Lilybaeum to the Carthaginian harbor, 6. 2. 1.
15 Now Tchadir-Dagh.
16 i.e., the Trebizond of today.
17 Now Aghirmisch-Daghi.
18 The strait of Kertch.
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