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Demetrius says that Timaeus falsifies when he informs us that Periander fortified Achilleium against the Athenians with stones from Ilium, to help the army of Pittacus; for this place, he says, was indeed fortified by the Mitylenaeans against Sigeium, though not with such stones as those, nor yet by Periander. For how could the opponent of the Athenians have been chosen as arbiter? Achilleium is the place where stands the monument of Achilles and is only a small settlement. Sigeium, also, has been razed to the ground by the Ilians, because of its disobedience; for the whole of the coast as far as Dardanus was later subject to the Ilians and is now subject to them. In ancient times the most of it was subject to the Aeolians, so that Ephorus does not hesitate to apply the name Aeolis to the whole of the coast from Abydus to Cyme.1 Thucydides says that Troy was taken away from the Mitylenaeans by the Athenians in the Pachetian part2 of the Peloponnesian War.

1 See 13. 1. 4.

2 i.e., the campaign of Paches, the Athenian general, who in 427 B.C. captured Mitylene (see Thuc. 3.18-49).

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