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That Bithynia was a settlement of the Mysians will first be testified by Scylax the Caryandian,1 who says that Phrygians and Mysians lived round the Ascanian Lake; and next by the Dionysius2 who wrote on "The Foundings" of cities, who says that the strait at Chalcedon and Byzantium, now called the Thracian Bosporus, was in earlier times called the Mysian Bosporus. And this might also be set down as an evidence that the Mysians were Thracians. Further, when Euphorion3 says,“beside the waters of the Mysian Ascanius,
” and when Alexander the Aetolian says,“who have their homes on the Ascanian streams, on the lips of the Ascanian Lake, where dwelt Dolion the son of Silenus and Melia,
4 they bear witness to the same thing, since the Ascanian Lake is nowhere to be found but here alone.

1 This Scylax was sent by Darius Hystaspis on a voyage of exploration down the Indus, and did not return for two and a half years (Hdt. 4.44).

2 Dionysius of Chalcis in Euboea.

3 See Dictionary in Vol. IV.

4 Passage again cited in 14. 5. 29.

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