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For France had begun to settle the region with a

Chap. II.} 1562
colony of Protestants; and Calvinism, which, with the special cooperation of Calvin himself, had, for a short season, occupied the coasts of Brazil and the harbor of
Rio Janeiro,1 was now to be planted on the borders of Florida. Coligny had long desired to establish a refuge for the Huguenots, and a Protestant French empire, in America. Disappointed in his first effort, by the apostasy and faithlessness of his agent, Villegagnon, he still persevered; moved alike by religious zeal, and by a passion for the honor of France. The expedition which he now planned was intrusted to the
command of John Ribault of Dieppe, a brave man, of maritime experience, and a firm Protestant, and was attended by some of the best of the young French nobility, as well as by veteran troops. The feeble Charles IX. conceded an ample commission, and the
Feb. 18.
squadron set sail for the shores of North America. Desiring to establish their plantation in a genial clime, land was first made in the latitude of St. Augustine; the fine river which we call the St. Johns,2 was discovered, and named the River of May. It is the St.
Matheo3 of the Spaniards. The forests of mulberries were admired, and caterpillars readily mistaken for silkworms. The cape received a French name; as the ships sailed along the coast, the numerous streams were called after the rivers of France; and America, for a while, had its Seine, its Loire, and its Garonne. In searching for the Jordan or Combahee, they came upon Port Royal entrance,4 which seemed the outlet

1 De Thou's Hist. l. XVI. Lery, Hist. Nav. in Bras. An abridgment of the description, but not of the personal narrative, appears in Purchas, IV. 1325—1347. L'Escar bot, N. F. i. 143—214; Southey's Brazil, part l. c. IX.

2 Compare the criticism of Holmes's Annals, i. 567.

3 Ensayo Cronologico, p. 43.

4 Laudonniere, in Hakluyt, III. 373. The description is sufficiently minute and accurate; removing all doubt Before the geography of the country was well known, there was room for the error of Charlevoix, Nouv. Fr. i. 25, who places the settlement at the mouth of the Edisto, an error which is followed by Chalmers, 513. It is no reproach to Charlevoix, that his geography of the coast of Florida is confused and inaccurate. Compare Johnson's Life of Greene, i. 477.

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