alike in political and private rule.
Why, do you think that the rulers and holders of office in our
cities—the true rulers1—willingly hold office
and rule?” “I don't think,” he said,
“I know right well they do.”“But what of other forms of rule, Thrasymachus?
Do you not perceive that no one chooses of his own will to hold the office
of rule, but they demand pay, which implies that not to them will benefit
accrue from their holding office but to those whom they rule?
1 See on 343 B, Aristotle Eth. Nic. 1102 a 8. The new point that good rulers are reluctant to take office is discussed to 347 E, and recalled later, 520 D. See Newman, l.c. pp. 244-245, Dio Cass. xxxvi. 27. 1.
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