1 In Laws 920 D Plato allows a δίκη ἀτελοῦς ὁμολογίας against workmen or contractors who break or fail to complete contracts.
2 Cf. Laws 935 C. There was no λοιδορίας δίκη under that name at Athens, but certain words were actionable,ἀπόρρητα and there was a δίκη κακηγορίας.
3 Plato shows his contempt for the subject by this confused enumeration, passing without warning from contracts and torts to procedure and then to taxes, market, harbor and police regulations.
4 τολμήσομεν is both “venture” and “deign.”
5 Cf. Isocrates Panegyr. 78ὅτι τοῖς καλοῖς κἀγαθοῖς τῶν ἀνθρώπων οὐδὲν δεήσει πολλῶν γραμμάτων.
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