1 μάλα is humorous, as in 506 D, Euthydem 298 D, Symp. 189 A.
2 Cf. Horace, Epist. i. 2. 32 “ut iugulent hominem surgunt de nocte latrones.”
3 For the metaphor Cf. Proverbs viii. 12σοφία κατεσκήνωσα βουλήν. Plato personifies injustice, as he does justice in 612 D,σκιαγραφία in 602 D, bravery in Laches 194 A,κολαστική in Soph. 229 A,κολακευτικήGorg. 464 C,σμικρότηςParmen. 150 AπονηρίαApol. 39 A-B, and many other abstract conceptions. See further Phileb. 63 A-B, 15 D, 24 A, Rep. 465 A-B, Laws 644 C, Cratyl. 438 D.
4 σχολῇ: cf. 354 C, Phaedo 106 D.
5 Cf. 345 D.
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