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[620e] as the guardian of his life and the fulfiller of his choice, the genius1 that he had chosen, and this divinity led the soul first to Clotho, under her hand and her turning2 of the spindle to ratify the destiny of his lot and choice; and after contact with her the genius again led the soul to the spinning of Atropos3 to make the web of its destiny4 irreversible, and then without a backward look it passed beneath the throne of Necessity.

1 Cf. 617 E, and for daemons in Plato What Plato Said, pp. 546-547, on Symp. 202 E, Dieterich, Nekyia, p. 59.

2 δίνης: Cf. Cratyl. 439 C and Phaedo 99 B.

3 Cf. Laws 960 C.

4 τὰ ἐπικλωσθέντα: Cf. Laws 957 E, Theaet. 169 C, and the Platonic epigram on Dion, Anth. Pal. vii. 99Μοῖραι ἐπέκλωσαν, Od. i. 17, iii. 208, etc., Aesch.Eumen. 335, Callinus i. 9Μοῖραι ἐπικλώσωσ᾽.

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