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[350d] not as I now lightly narrate them, but with much baulking and reluctance1 and prodigious sweating, it being summer, and it was then I beheld what I had never seen before—Thrasymachus blushing.2 But when we did reach our conclusion that justice is virtue and wisdom and injustice vice and ignorance, “Good,” said I, “let this be taken as established.3 But we were also affirming that injustice is a strong and potent thing. Don't you remember, Thrasymachus?” “I remember,” he said; “but I don't agree with what you are now saying either and I have an answer to it,

1 Cf. Protagoras 333 B

2 Cf. the blush of the sophist in Euthydemus 297 A

3 The main paradox of Thrasymachus is refuted. It will be easy to transfer the other laudatory epithets ἰσχυρόν, etc., from injustice back to justice. Thrasymachus at first refuses to share in the discussion but finally nods an ironical assent to everything that Socrates says. So Callicles in Gorgias 510 A.

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