1 For διοικεῖν Cf. Protag. 318 E.
2 See Thompson on Meno 70 B.
3 On μόνον οὐκ Cf. Menex. 235 C, Ax. 365 B.
4 Stallbaum refers to Themist.Orat. xxii. p. 254 Aὃν ἡμεῖς διὰ ταύτην τὴν φαντασίαν μόνον οὐκ ἐπὶ ταῖς κεφαλαῖς περιφέρομεν, Erasmus, Chiliad iv. Cent. 7 n. 98 p. 794, and the German idiom “einen auf den Händen tragen.”
5 Cf. Protag. 328 B.
6 The article perhaps gives the word a contemptuous significance. So Meno 89 Bτὸ χρυσίον.
7 οἴκοι εἶναι: J. J. Hartman, Ad Platonis Remp. 600 E, Mnem. 1916, p. 45, would change εἶναι to μεῖναι. But cf. Cic.Att. vii. 10 “erimus una.”
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