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[583c] “if you will answer my questions while I seek.” “Ask, then,” he said. “Tell me, then,” said I, “do we not say that pain is the opposite of pleasure?” “We certainly do.” “And is there not such a thing as a neutral state1” “There is.” “Is it not intermediate between them, and in the mean,2 being a kind of quietude of the soul in these respects? Or is not that your notion of it?” “It is that,” said he. “Do you not recall the things men say in sickness?” “What sort of things?” “Why, that after all there is nothing sweeter than to be well,3

1 If any inference could he drawn from the fact that in the Philebus 42 D ff. and 32 E the reality of the neutral state has to be proved, it would be that the Philebus is earlier, which it is not.

2 For ἐν μέσῳ Cf. Phileb. 35 E.

3 Cf. perhaps Phileb. 45 B, Aristot.Eth. Nic. 1095 a 24, and 111, Diels i.3 p. 99νοῦσος ὑγιείην ἐποίησεν ἡδύ.

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