because he who is to exercise the art rightly
never does what is best for himself or enjoins it when he gives commands
according to the art, but what is best for the subject. That is the reason,
it seems, why pay1 must be provided for
those who are to consent to rule, either in form of money or honor or a
penalty if they refuse.”“What do you mean by that, Socrates?” said Glaucon.
“The two wages I recognize, but the penalty you speak of and
described as a form of wage I don't understand.2” “Then,”
said I, “you don't understand the wages of the best men
1 Cf. 345 E, Aristot. Eth. Nic. 1134b 6.
2 Plato habitually explains metaphors, abstractions, and complicated defintions in this dramatic fashion. Cf. 352 E, 377 A, 413 A, 429 C, 438 B, 510 B.
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