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“What of the cabinet-maker? Were you not just now saying that he does not make the idea or form which we say is the real couch, the couch in itself,1 but only some particular couch?” “Yes, I was.” “Then if he does not make that which really is, he could not be said to make real being but something that resembles real being but is not that. But if anyone should say that being in the complete sense2 belongs to the work of the cabinet-maker or to that of any other handicraftsman, it seems that he would say what is not true.” “That would be the view,” he said, “of those who are versed3 in this kind of reasoning.” “We must not be surprised, then, if this too is only a dim adumbration in comparison with reality.”

1 ἔστι belongs to the terminology of ideas. Cf. Phaedo 74 D, 75 B, 75 D, Rep. 507 B.

2 τελέως . . . ὄν: Cf. 477 A, and Soph. 248 Eπαντελῶς ὄντι.

3 An indirect reference to Plato and his school like the “friends of ideas” in Soph. 248 A.

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