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[615e] of private station, of those who had committed great crimes. And when these supposed that at last they were about to go up and out, the mouth would not receive them, but it bellowed when anyone of the incurably wicked1 or of those who had not completed their punishment tried to come up. And thereupon,’ he said, ‘savage men of fiery aspect2 who stood by and took note of the voice laid hold on them3 and bore them away. But Ardiaeus

1 Cf. Gorg. 525 C, and What Plato Said, p. 536, on Phaedo 113 E. Biggs, Christian Platonists, ii. p. 147 “At the first assize there will be found those who like Ardiaeus are incurable.”

2 This naturally suggests the devils, of Dante (Inferno xxi. 25 ff.) and other mediaeval literature. See Dieterich, Nekyia, p.4 and pp. 60 f.

3 See Rogers on Aristoph.Knights 262. Cf. Herod. i. 92ἐπὶ κνάφου ἕλκων διέφθειρε.

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