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[484c] these we should establish as guardians.” “Right” he said. “Is this, then,” said I, “clear, whether the guardian who is to keep watch over anything ought to be blind or keen of sight?” “Of course it is clear,” he said. “Do you think, then, that there is any appreciable difference between the blind1 and those who are veritably deprived of the knowledge of the veritable being of things, those who have no vivid pattern2 in their souls and so cannot, as painters look to their models, fix their eyes3 on the absolute truth, and always with reference to that ideal and in the exactest possible contemplation of it

1 Cf. Luke vi. 39, Matt. xv. 14, John xix. 39-41.

2 Cf. Polit. 277 B, 277 D f., etc., Soph. 226 C, Parmen. 132 D.

3 ἀποβλέποντες belongs to the terminology of the ideas. Cf. 472 C, Cratyl. 389 A, Gorg. 503 E, Tim. 28 A, Prot. 354 C, and my What Plato Said, p. 458 on Euthyph. 6 E.

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