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[566b] to expel him or bring about his death by calumniating him to the people, they plot to assassinate him by stealth.” “That is certainly wont to happen,” said he. “And thereupon those who have reached this stage devise that famous petition1 of the tyrant—to ask from the people a bodyguard to make their city safe2 for the friend of democracy.”

1 Cf Herod. i. 59, Aristot.Rhet. 1357 b 30 ff. Aristotle, Pol. 1305 a 7-15, says that this sort of thing used to happen but does not now, and explains why. For πολυθρύλητον Cf. Phaedo 100 B.

2 For the ethical dative αὐτοῖς cf. on 343 Vol. I. p. 65, note c.

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