[*] 132. The Latin Numerals may be classified as follows:— I. NUMERAL ADJECTIVES:- Cardinal Numbers, answering the question how many? as, ūnus, one; duo, two, etc.
- Ordinal Numbers,1 adjectives derived (in most cases) from the Cardinals, and answering the question which in order? as, prīmus, first; secundus, second, etc.
- Distributive Numerals, answering the question how many at a time? as, singulī, one at a time; bīnī, two by two, etc.
Cardinals and Ordinals
[*] 133. These two series are as follows:—CARDINAL | ORDINAL | ROMAN NUMERALS |
1. ūnus, ūna, ūnum, one | prīmus, -a, -um, first | I |
2. duo, duae, duo, two | secundus (alter), second | II |
3. trēs, tria, three | tertius, third | III |
4. quattuor | quārtus | IIII or IV |
5. quīnque | quīntus | V |
6. sex | sextus | VI |
7. septem | septimus | VII |
8. octō | octāvus | VIII |
9. novem | nōnus | VIIII or IX |
10. decem | decimus | X |
11. ūndecim | ūndecimus | XI |
12. duodecim | duodecimus | XII |
13. tredecim (decem (et) trēs) | tertius decimus (decimus (et) tertius) | XIII |
14. quattuordecim | quārtus decimus | XIIII or XIV |
15. quīndecim | quīntus decimus | XV |
16. sēdecim | sextus decimus | XVI |
17. septendecim | septimus decimus | XVII |
18. duodēvīgintī (octōdecim) | duodēvīcēnsimus (octāvus decimus) | XVIII |
19. ūndēvīgintī (novendecim) | ūndēvīcēnsimus(nōnus decimus) | XVIIII or XIX |
20. vīgintī | vīcēnsimus (vīgēnsimus) | XX |
21. vīgintī ūnus (or ūnus et vīgintī, etc.) | vīcēnsimus prīmus (ūnus et vīcēnsimus, etc.) | XXI |
30. trīgintā | trīcēnsimus | XXX |
40. quadrāgintā | quadrāgēnsimus | XXXX or XL |
50. quīnquāgintā | quīnquāgēnsimus | ↓ or L |
60. sexāgintā | sexāgēnsimus | LX |
70. septuāgintā | septuāgēnsimus | LXX |
80. octōgintā | octōgēnsimus | LXXX |
90. nōnāgintā | nōnāgēnsimus | LXXXX or XC |
100. centum | centēnsimus | C |
101. centum (et) ūnus, etc. | centēnsimus prīmus, etc. | CI |
200. ducentī, -ae, -a | ducentēnsimus | CC |
300. trecentī | trecentēnsimus | CCC |
400. quadringentī | quadringentēnsimus | CCCC |
500. quīngentī | quīngentēnsimus | D |
600. sescentī | sescentēnsimus | DC |
700. septingentī | septingentēnsimus | DCC |
800. octingentī | octingentēnsimus | DCCC |
900. nōngentī | nōngentēnsimus | DCCCC |
1000. mīlle | mīllēnsimus | [oolig ] (CIↃ) or M |
5000. quīnque mīlia (mīllia) | quīnquiēns mīllēnsimus | IↃↃ |
10,000. decem mīlia (mīllia) | deciēns mīllēnsimus | CCIↃↃ |
100,000. centum mīlia (mīllia) | centiēns mīllēnsimus | CCCIↃↃↃ |
Declension of Cardinals and Ordinals
[*] 134. Of the Cardinals only ūnus , duo , trēs , the hundreds above one hundred, and mīlle when used as a noun, are declinable. [*] a. For the declension of ūnus , see § 113. It often has the meaning of same or only. The plural is used in this sense; but also, as a simple numeral, to agree with a plural noun of a singular meaning: as, ūna castra, one camp (cf. § 137. b). The plural occurs also in the phrase ūnī et alterī, one party and the other (the ones and the others). [*] b. Duo,2 two, and trēs, three, are thus declined:—M. | F. | N. | M., F. | N. | |
NOM. | duo | duae | duo | trēs | tria |
GEN. | duōrum | duārum | duōrum | trium | trium |
DAT. | duōbus | duābus | duōbus | tribus | tribus |
ACC. | duōs (du o ) | duās | duo | trēs (tr īs ) | tria |
ABL. | duōbus | duābus | duōbus | tribus | tribus |
- mīlle modīs, in a thousand ways.
- cum mīlle hominibus, with a thousand men.
- “ mīlle trahēns variōs colōrēs ” (Aen. 4.701) , drawing out a thousand various colors.
[*] Note.--The singular mīlle is sometimes found as a noun in the nominative and accusative: as, mīlle hominum mīsit, he sent a thousand (of) men; in the other cases rarely, except in connection with the same case of mīlia : as, cum octō mīlibus peditum , mīlle equitum, with eight thousand foot and a thousand horse.
[*] e. The ordinals are adjectives of the First and Second Declensions, and are regularly declined like bonus. [*] 135. Cardinals and Ordinals have the following uses:— [*] a. In numbers below 100, if units precede tens, et is generally inserted: duo et vīgintī; otherwise et is omitted: vīgintī duo . [*] b. In numbers above 100 the highest denomination generally stands first, the next second, etc., as in English. Et is either omitted entirely, or stands between the two highest denominations: mīlle ( et ) septingentī sexāgintā quattuor , 1764.[*] Note.--Observe the following combinations of numerals with substantives:—
- ūnus et vīgintī mīlitēs , or vīgintī mīlitēs ( et ) ūnus, 21 soldiers.
- duo mīlia quīngentī mīlitēs , or duo mīlia mīlitum et quīngentī, 2500 soldiers.
- mīlitēs mīlle ducentī trīgintā ūnus, 1231 soldiers.
- duo mīlia hominum, two thousand men. 3
- cum tribus mīlibus mīlitum, with three thousand soldiers.
- mīlia passuum tria, three thousand paces (three miles).
[*] Note 1.--When the numerator is one, it is omitted and pars is expressed: onethird, tertia pars; one-fourth, quārta pars .
[*] Note 2.--When the denominator is but one greater than the numerator, the numerator only is given: two-thirds, duae partēs; three-fourths, trēs partēs , etc.
[*] Note 3.--Fractions are also expressed by special words derived from as, a pound: as, triēns, a third; bēs, two-thirds. See § 637.
[*] 136. Distributive Numerals are declined like the plural of bonus.[*] Note.--These answer to the interrogative quotēnī, how many of each? or how many at a time?
1. singulī, one by one | 18. octōnī dēnī or duodēvīcēnī | 100. centēnī |
2. bīnī, two by two | 200. ducēnī | |
3. ternī, trīnī | 19. novēnī dēnī or ūndēvīcēnī | 300. trecēnī |
4. quaternī | 400. quadringēnī | |
5. quīnī | 20. vīcēnī | 500. quīngēnī |
6. sēnī | 21. vīcēnī singulī, etc. | 600. sescēnī |
7. septēnī | 30. trīcēnī | 700. septingēnī |
8. octōnī | 40. quadrāgēnī | 800. octingēnī |
9. novēnī | 50. quīnquāgēnī | 900. nōngēnī |
10. dēnī | 60. sexāgēnī | 1000. mīllēnī |
11. ūndēnī | 70. septuāgēnī | 2000. bīna mīlia |
12. duodēnī | 80. octōgēnī | 10,000. dēna mīlia |
13. ternī dēnī, etc. | 90. nōnāgēnī | 100,000. centēna mīlia |
Numeral Adverbs
[*] 138. The Numeral Adverbs answer the question quotiēns ( quotiēs ), how many times? how often?1 | semel, once |
2 | bis, twice |
3 | ter, thrice |
4 | quater |
5 | quīnquiēns (-ēs)4 |
6 | sexiēns |
7 | septiēns |
8 | octiēns |
9 | noviēns |
10 | deciēns |
11 | ūndeciēns |
12 | duodeciēns |
13 | terdeciēns |
14 | quaterdeciēns |
15 | quīndeciēns |
16 | sēdeciēns |
17 | septiēsdeciēns |
18 | duodēvīciēns |
19 | ūndēvīciēns |
20 | vīciēns |
21 | semel vīciēns,5 etc. |
30 | trīciēns |
40 | quadrāgiēns |
50 | quīnquāgiēns |
60 | sexāgiēns |
70 | septuāgiēns |
80 | octōgiēns |
90 | nōnāgiēns |
100 | centiēns |
200 | ducentiēns |
300 | trecentiēns |
1000 | mīliēns |
10,000 | deciēns mīliēns |
- ter et trīciēns ( centēna mīlia ) sēstertium, 3,300,000 sesterces (three and thirty times a hundred thousand sesterces).
- vīciēs ac septiēs mīliēs ( centēna mīlia ) sēstertium, 2,700,000,000 sesterces (twenty-seven thousand times a hundred thousand).
[*] Note.--These large numbers are used almost exclusively in reckoning money, and centēna mīlia is regularly omitted (see § 634).
Other Numerals
[*] 139. The following adjectives are called Multiplicatives:—- simplex, single; duplex, double, twofold; triplex, triple, threefold; quadruplex , quīnquiplex, septemplex, decemplex, centuplex, sēsquiplex (1 1/2), multiplex (manifold).