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One of the remaining sides, that stretching from Pachynus to Lilybæum, is entirely deserted; still it preserves a few traces of the ancient inhabitants, one of whose cities was Camarina.1 Acragas,2 which was a colony of the Geloi,3 together with its port and Lilybæum,4 still exist. In fact, these regions, lying opposite to Carthage, have been wasted by the great and protracted wars which have been waged. The remaining and greatest side, although it is by no means densely peopled, is well occupied, for Alæsa,5 Tyndaris,6 the emporium7 of the Ægestani and Cephalœdium,8 are respectable towns. Panormus has received a Roman colony: they say that Ægesta9 was founded by the Greeks who passed over, as we have related when speaking of Italy, with Philoctetes to the Crotoniatis, and were by him sent to Sicily with Ægestus10 the Trojan.

1 Now Camarana: it was founded 600 years B. C.

2 Girgenti.

3 ‘Apparet Camarina procul, campique Geloi.’ Virg. Æn. iii. 701.

4 Marsalla.

5 I Bagni.

6 S. Maria di Tindaro.

7 Castel-à-Mare.

8 Cefalù.

9 Now ruins at Barbara.

10 Also called Acestes.

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