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[13] Near to these localities is Mount Albanus,1 which is much higher than either the Artemisium or the heights surrounding it, although these are sufficiently lofty and precipitous. It has likewise a lake,2 much larger than that of the Artemisium. Further forward than these are the cities on the Via Latina, we have already mentioned. Alba3 is the most inland of all the Latin cities; it borders on the Marsi, and is situated on a high hill near to Lake Fucinus. This [lake] is vast as a sea, and is of great service to the Marsi and all the surrounding nations. They say, that at times its waters rise to the height of the mountains which surround it, and at others subside so much, that the places which had been covered with water reappear and may be cultivated; however, the sub- sidings of the waters occur irregularly and without previous warning, and are followed by their rising again; the springs fail altogether and gush out again after a time; as they say is the case with the Amenanus,4 which flows through Catana,5 for after remaining dry for a number of years, it again flows. It is reported that the Marcian6 water, which is drunk at Rome in preference to any other, has its source in [Lake] Fucinus. As Alba is situated in the depths of the country, and is besides a strong position, the Romans have often employed it as a place of security, for lodging important prisoners.7
The Geography of Strabo. Literally translated, with notes, in three volumes. London. George Bell & Sons. 1903.
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References (2 total)
- Cross-references in general dictionaries to this page
- LSJ, ἐπισυρ-ρέω
- LSJ, λιμνό-ομαι
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