IN proceeding from the Hyrcanian Sea towards the east, on the right hand are the mountains which the Greeks call Taurus, extending as far as India. They begin from Pamphylia and Cilicia, and stretch to this part from the west in a continuous line, bearing different names in different places. The northern parts1 of this range are occupied first by Gelæ, Cadusii, and Amardi, as we have said, and by some tribes of Hyrcanians; then follow, as we proceed towards the east and the Ochus, the nation of the Parthians, then that of the Margiani and Arii, and the desert country which the river Sarnius separates from Hyrcania. The mountain, which extends to this country, or within a small distance of it, from Armenia, is called Parachoathras. From the Hyrcanian sea to the Arii are about 6000 stadia.2 Next follow Bactriana, Sogdiana, and lastly nomade Scythians. The Macedonians gave the name of Caucasus to all the mountains which follow after Ariana,3 but among the barbarians the heights and the northern parts of the Parapomisus were called Emoda, and Mount Imaus;4 and other names of this kind were assigned to each portion of this range.
1 αὐτοῦ in this passage, as Kramer remarks, is singular.
2 From what point our author does not say.
3 There is some confusion in the text, which Groskurd attempts to amend as follows: "But among the barbarians the heights of Ariana, and the northern mountains of India, are separately called Emoda, &c.
4 B. xv. c. i. § 11. The name is derived from the Sanscrit himavat, which is preserved in the Latin hiems, winter, and in the modern name Himalaya. See Smith, art. Imaus.
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