[9] In the interior of the country, besides the cities already mentioned, there are Arretium,1 Perusia,2 Volsinii,3 Sutrium;4 and in addition to these are numerous small cities, as Blera,5 Ferentinum,6 Falerium,7 Faliscum,8 Nepita,9 Statonia,10 and many others; some of which exist in their original state, others have been colonized by the Romans, or partially ruined by them in their wars, viz. those they frequently waged against the Veii11 and the Fidenæ.12 Some say that the inhabitants of Falerium are not Tyrrhenians, but Falisci, a distinct nation; others state further, that the Falisci speak a language peculiar to themselves; some again would make it Æquum-Faliscum on the Via Flaminia, lying between Ocricli13 and Rome. Below Mount Soracte14 is the city of Feronia, having the same name as a certain goddess of the country, highly reverenced by the surrounding people: here is her temple, in which a remarkable ceremony is performed, for those possessed by the divinity pass over a large bed of burning coal and ashes barefoot, unhurt. A great concourse of people assemble to assist at the festival, which is celebrated yearly, and to see the said spectacle. Arretium,15 near the mountains, is the most inland city: it is distant from Rome 1200 stadia: from Clusium16 [to Rome] is 800 stadia. Near to these [two cities] is Perusia.17 The large and numerous lakes add to the fertility of this country,18 they are navigable, and stocked with fish and aquatic birds. Large quantities of typha,19 papyrus, and anthela20 are transported to Rome, up the rivers which flow from these lakes to the Tiber. Among these are the lake Ciminius,21 and those near the Volsinii,22 and Clusium,23 and Sabatus,24 which is nearest to Rome and the sea, and the farthest Trasumennus,25 near Arretium. Along this is the pass by which armies can proceed from [Cisalpine] Keltica into Tyrrhenia; this is the one followed by Hannibal. There are two; the other leads towards Ariminum across Ombrica, and is preferable as the mountains are considerably lower; however, as this was carefully guarded, Hannibal was compelled to take the more difficult, which he succeeded in forcing after having vanquished Flaminius in a decisive engagement. There are likewise in Tyrrhenia numerous hot springs, which on account of their proximity to Rome, are not less frequented than those of Baiæ, which are the most famous of all.
1 Arezzo.
2 Perugia.
3 Bolsena.
4 Sutri.
5 Bieda.
6 The French translation understands this to be the modern Ferenti, near Viterbo.
7 Sta. Maria di Falari.
8 Probably another name for Falerium.
9 Nepi.
10 Castro, or Farnese, near Lake Mezzano.
11 This ancient city was probably situated near the Isola Farnesia, about the place where Storta now stands.
12 Fidenæ was situated on the left bank of the Tiber, near its confluence with the Anio, now the Teverone, 40 stadia from Rome. The ruins are near the villages Giubileo and Serpentina.
13 Hodie Otricoli: the ancient town was situated nearer the Tiber than the modern.
14 Monte di S. Silvestro.
15 Arezzo.
16 Chiusi.
17 Perugia.
18 Tyrrhenia.
19 An aquatic plant, perhaps the Typha of Linnæus, used in making lamp-wicks, and for other purposes to which tow was applied.
20 The downy substance growing on the flowering reed.
21 The Lago di Vico or di Ronciglione.
22 Lago di Bolsena.
23 Now only marshes.
24 Lago di Bracciano.
25 All MSS. are corrupt at this word. It is now called Lago di Perugia.
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