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In the countries situated about 400 stadia south of the parallel of Alexandria and Cyrene, where the longest day consists of fourteen equinoctial hours, Arcturus passes the zenith, slightly declining towards the south. At Alexandria at the time of the equinox the proportion which the gnomon bears to the shadow is as five to seven.1 Thus they are south of Carthage 1300 stadia, that is, admitting that in Carthage at the time of the equinox the proportion which the gnomon bears to the shadow is as eleven to seven. This parallel on the one side2 passes by Cyrene and the regions 900 stadia south of Carthage as far as the midst of Maurusia;3 and on the other side4 through Egypt,5 Cœlosyria, Upper Syria, Babylonia, Susiana,6 Persia,7 Carmania,8 Upper Gedrosia,9 and India.

1 Kramer follows Gosselin in proposing to substitute τοͅία in place of ἑπτά.

2 The west side.

3 Algiers and Fez.

4 The eastern side.

5 Lower Egypt is intended.

6 Khosistan.

7 The modern province of Fars.

8 Kerman.

9 Upper Mekran

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